Bernina Presser Feet
How to choose the correct presser foot for your Bernina sewing machine.

"OLD STYLE" (os)
Examine one of your existing presses feet, the back top portion as viewed in the circle (green), will NOT have a cut out.
Also identify your machine from the model listings: 530, 530-2, 531, 532, 532-2, 534, 540, 540-2, 542-2, 600, 610, 614, 640-2, 642-2, 644, 700, 707, 708, 709, 717, 718, 719, 730, 731, 732, 741, 742, 744, 800, 801, 801s, 802, 802s, 803, 803s, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 811s, 817, 818, 819, 830, 830e, 830H, 831, 832, 840, 841, 842, 850, 900, 900E, 910, 910N, 930, 931, 932, 940, 950, 1000, 1001, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1020, 1030, 1031, 1080, 1090, 1120, 1130, 1230, 1260, 1530 & 1630

"NEW STYLE" (ns)
Examine one of your existing presses feet, the back top portion as viewed in the circle (red), will have a cut out.
Also identify your machine from the model listings: 100, 120, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 153, 155, 160, 163, 165, 170, 180, 185, 190, 330, 350PE, 380, Activa 210, Activa 220, Artista 630, Artista 640, Artista 635, Artista 730, Artista 730E, Aurora 430, Aurora 440QE & Aurora 450 and all new style machines
Bernina "Old Style" (os) Conversion Kit to Viking #19477
Convert your Bernina to accept snap-on Viking presser feet.
Viking offers a wide variety of presser feet for practical and decorative sewing.
Kit comes with: Adaptor (0019477000os) green, Viking ankle (B/V 416 30 40-01) blue, ankle mounting screw yellow and Viking (B) transparent applique (413 11 38-46 (Bin-40)) foot orange. Comes with instructions. All you need to get started.
To visit the Viking presser feet available go to this link Viking Presser Feet and Accessories. You will be choosing presser feet from group (5) and (6) unless otherwise noted.
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Bernina "New Style" (ns) Conversion Kit to Viking #83677
Convert your Bernina to accept snap-on Viking presser feet.
Viking offers a wide variety of presser feet for practical and decorative sewing.
Kit comes with: Adaptor (0083677000 ns) red, Viking ankle (B/V 416 30 40-01) blue, ankle mounting screw yellow and Viking (B) transparent applique (413-11 38-46 (Bin-40)) foot orange. Comes with instructions. All you need to get started.
To visit the Viking presser feet available go to this link Viking Presser Feet and Accessories. You will be choosing presser feet from group (5) and (6) unless otherwise noted.
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Bernina Long Attachment Screw Kit #XC000212238
Long attachment screw comes with extension sleeve and spring. Fits old style (os) and new style (ns).
Remove your existing needle clamp screw and replace with this long attachment screw. This long attachment screw kit extends the length of the needle clamp arm which will allow you to use attachments which are activated by the up and down movement of the needle bar. Such as free motion feet/attachments.
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Adapter Kit "B" (OS) old style (Bernina) #0019477000 (0019477T)
Bernina adapter (OS) old style (#75) comes complete with "B" shank and 1/4" piecing foot. This system will allow you to use "B" type snap-on feet which can be found on this Type "B" Feet link
Use to fit low shank type "B".
830, 831, 832, 840, 841, 842, 850, 900, 910, 930, 931, 932, 940, 950, 1000, 1001, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1015, 1020, 1030, 1031, 1080, 1090, 1120, 1130, 1230, 1260, 1530 & 1630
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Bernina Adapter OS (feet) Standard #0019477000
Use to fit low vertical screw-on feet.
Same adapter used in kit "B"
Up to models 1630.
Bernina Adapter OS (ruffler) Short #0019857000 (0019857T)
Use to fit ruffle.
Up to models 1630.
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Adapter Kit "B" (NS) new style (Bernina 100-190 series) #0083677000
Bernina adapter (NS) new style comes complete with "B" shank and 1/4" piecing foot. This system will allow you to use "B" type snap-on feet which can be found on this Type "B" Feet link
Use to fit low shank type "B" feet.
100, 120, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 153, 155, 160, 163, 165, 170, 180, 185, 190, 330, 350PE, 380, Activa 210, Activa 220, Artista 630, Artista 640, Artista 635, Artista 730, Aurora 430, Aurora 440QE & Aurora 450. (And All New Style Machines)
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Bernina Adapter NS (feet) #75 Standard #0083677200
Use to fit low vertical screw-on feet.
Same adapter used in kit "B"
Fits Bernina 100-190 series.
Bernina Adapter NS (ruffler) #77 Short #0083687000
(Bernina 100-190 series)
Use to fit ruffler.
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Bernina (Geniune) Snap-on Presses Foot Adapter (os) #032703.70.00 (0062617000)(1008)
Bernina adapter for old style snap-on Bernina feet
Fits model 1008
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Bernina Zig-Zag Foot "Old Style" (#1- os) #0025767000
Old style (os) mounting bracket.
Generic general purpose foot for sewing zig-zag, straight stitch, green stitches and other practical and decorative stitches of forward and reverse design.
This design will accept back mount guide and also has side opening for thread to enter under the foot which helps to avoid light weight fabrics from rolling into the center of the foot.
PLEASE NOTE: The "old style" (os) presser foot mounting bracket will NOT have a notch cut out on the upper back as the "new style" (ns) #0084457000. You MUST examine one of your existing feet to determine if you have an "old style" (os) or a "new style" (ns). Presser feet listed on our web site will use this method to determine the correct attachments...i.e. (os) or (ns).
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Bernina Zig-Zag Foot "New Style" (#1N - ns) #0084477000
New style (ns) mounting bracket.
Generic general purpose foot for sewing zig-zag, straight stitches, practical and decorative with forward and reverse design.
This design will accept back mount guide and also has side opening for thread to enter under the foot which helps to avoid light weight fabrics from rolling into the center of the foot.
PLEASE NOTE: The "new style" (ns) presser foot mounting bracket will have a small notch cut out on the upper back side unlike the "old style" (os) #0025767000. You MUST examine one of your existing feet to determine if you have an "new style" (ns) or a "old style" (os). Your manual may not show this notch. Presser feet listed on our web site will use this method to determine the correct attachments...i.e. (ns) or (os).
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Bernina Overlock Foot "Old Style" (#2 - os) #0025777000
Bernina Generic Overlock / Overcast Foot
This foot has a small metal stitch finger designed to stabilize the edge of the fabric when zig-zaging or overcasting.
Can also be used with a seam allowance by going back and trimming close to the stitches.
Consult your manual for appropriate stitch selection.
Choose a stitch and a stitch width so the needle will not hit the metal stitch finger.
We have no guarantee on breakage for the stitch finger.
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Bernina Overlock Foot "New Style" (2N - ns) #008446700
Bernina Generic Overlock / Overcast Foot
This foot has a small metal stitch finger designed to stabilize the edge of the fabric when zig-zaging or overcasting.
Can also be used with a seam allowance by going back and trimming close to the stitches.
Consult your manual for appropriate stitch selection.
Choose a stitch and a stitch width so the needle will not hit the metal stitch finger.
We have no guarantee on breakage for the stitch finger.
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Bernina Buttonhole Foot (#3 - os) #0025787000
Bernina Generic Standard Buttonhole Foot
Use the built in buttonhole system in your machine (Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model).
Standard guide foot for sewing buttonholes with or without cording (gimp).
This foot has grooves on the under side to help keep the buttonholes feeding straight.
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Bernina Buttonhole Guide Foot "Old Style" (#3B/H - os)
(3B/H os)
Bernina Generic buttonhole guide foot for "Old Style" ONLY
Insert the button to be used on the garment into the buttonhole foot, set the gauge, now remove the button and your ready to make buttonholes sized by the actual button.
Designed for machines with a four-step buttonhole system (os). Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
Not for one step, automatic or eletronic buttonhole systems.
You will need "conversion kit" (os). NOT INCLUDED
Some models may need "long attachment kit". NOT INCLUDED
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Bernina Zipper Foot "New Style" (#4N - ns) #0084487000
Bernina Generic zipper foot
Cut out on right and left side
Reposition needle as per instruction manual.
For additional information on zipper insertion consult your manual or the zipper package instructions.
For zipper foot with seam guide see (#14os) below.
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Bernina Blindstitch Guide Foot (#5 - os) #0025807000
Bernina Generic Blind hem foot with spring guide for old-style models.
Use the blind-hem stitch on your machine (consult your manual for additional help).
Fold fabric as viewed (you will be stitching on the underside of the fabric. Use spring guide to help feed fold of hem in a straight controlled line. This is a fast alternative to hemming by hand.
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Bernina Edge Stitch / Stitch-in-the Ditch (#10 - os) #0025857000
Bernina Genuine Edge Stitch / Stitch-in-the Ditch Foot
Group A - 910, 930, 931, 932, 933, 940, 950, 1000, 1000+, 1001, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1015, 1020, 1021, 1030, 1031, 1050 Holidaynu, 1070, 1080, 1090, 1120, 1130, 1230, 1240, 1260, 1530, 1630
Group H - 820, 830
Models - 530, 532, 534, 540, 600, 610, 640 (not Artista 640), 644, 700, 707, 708, 709, 717, 718, 719, 730 (not Artista 730), 731, 732, 740, 741, 742, 800, 801S, 802S, 803S, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 817, 818, 819, 831, 832, 841, 842, 850, 900
Use straight or zig-zag stitch.
This foot has a center spring guide to help in feeding lace and trim in a straight line.
Aslo use the edge stitching on hems, tucks and for fine edging.
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Bernina Edge Stitch / Stitch-in-the Ditch (#10N - ns) #0084557200
(10N - ns)
Bernina Generic Edge Stitch / Stitch-in-the Ditch Foot
Use straight or zig-zag stitch.
This foot has a center spring guide to help in feeding lace and trim in a straight line.
Aslo use the edge stitching on hems, tucks and for fine edging.
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Bernina Bulky Overlock / Piping Foot (#12os) #0029517000
Bernina Generic foot for old style
Designed for sewing seams in thicker jersey and sweater knits. Can also bemused when sewing thicker yarns for couching and sewing with piping
Cut out on underside of foot is approximately 5mm
Bernina Straight Stitch Foot (#13 - os) #002963700
Please Note: This foot has a shank marked 030, however it is really a 145 straight stitch foot, sometimes referred to as a "Jeans Foot", it has a wider bottom foot designed for thick hard materials ant to help sew over thick seams due to it's wider foot design. The shank on this foot also has a small hole with a locking screw on the back side to insert a quilting guide (quilting guide is not included).
This is the last foot we have available with this unique design.
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Bernina Zipper Foot with Guide "Old Style" (#14 - os) #0063887000
Bernina generic zipper foot
Cut out on right and left side
Reposition needle as per instruction manual.
For additional information on zipper insertion consult your manual or the zipper package instructions.
This foot also comes with an adjustable guide, which can be removed (guide not shown).
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Bernina Gathering / Shirring Foot (#16/#19 - os) #0025967000
Bernina Generic Gathering / Shirring Foot
For gathering single layers of light to medium fabric or you can gather and simultaneously sew to a flat piece of fabric.
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Bernina Button Sew-on Foot (#18 - os) #0029597000
Bernina Generic Button Sew-on foot with adjustable pin for sewing on buttons where you need to create a shank due to the thickness of the fabric.
Set your machine on zig-zag sewing, turn machine hand wheel by hand to determine the correct width from hole to hole.
Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
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Bernina Genuine Button Sew-on Foot (#18 - ns) #0084617200 (008461.73.00)
Bernina Genuine Button Sew-on Foot with adjustable pin for sewing on buttons where you need to create a shank due to the thickness of the fabric.
Set your machine on zig-zag sewing, turn machine hand wheel by hand to determine the correct width from hole to hole.
Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
Bernina Open Toe Embroidery Foot (#20 - os) #0025887000
Bernina Generic Open Toe foot
Open in front for better viewing, this foot is also grooved out on the underside to allow decorative machine stitching to flow through the foot with ease.
Ideal for embroidery, applique, satin stitch, machine feed monograms, quilting, cut work etc.
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Bernina Open Toe Embroidery Foot (#20N - ns) #0084627000
Bernina Generic Open Toe Foot
Open in front for better viewing, this foot is also grooved out on the underside to allow decorative machine stitching to flow through the foot with ease.
Ideal for embroidery, applique, satin stitch, machine feed monograms, quilting, cut work etc.
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Bernina Darning / Free Motion Quilters Foot (#9 - os) #0025847000 (285)
Bernina Generic Darning / Free Motion Quilters / Stippling Foot
Use straight stitch center needle position, drop or lower feed system.
Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
The foot is spring activated, it floats on the fabric allowing the operator to move the fabric in any direction.
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Bernina Open Darning / Free Motion Quilters Foot (#9 Open-os) #0025847000 (285)
Bernina Small Open Toe Free Motion Foot
Use straight stitch center needle position, drop or lower feed system.
Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
The foot is spring activated, it floats on the fabric allowing the operator to move the fabric in any direction.
Bernina Large Metal Free Motion Quilting Foot (#29 - os) #0011287000
Bernina Generic All Metal Free Motion Quilting Foot
Use zig-zag or straight stitch, drop / lower the feed system. You may also find it advantageous to insert your work into a machine embroidery hoop with a stabilizer for more control.
This foot is spring activated, it flotes on the fabric allowing the operator to move the fabric in any direction.
Great for free hand quilting, monogramming and embroidery.
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Bernina Genuine Clear Quilting Foot (#29N - ns) #0084697000
(29ns clear)
Bernina Genuine Clear Quilting Foot
Use zig-zag or straight stitch, drop / lower the feed system. You may also find it advantageous to insert your work into a machine embroidery hoop with a stabilizer for more control.
This foot is spring activated, it flotes on the fabric allowing the operator to move the fabric in any direction.
Great for free hand quilting, monogramming and embroidery.
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Bernina Large Open Free Motion Quilting Foot (#29 Open os) #0011287000 (open)
Bernina Generic All Metal Open Toe Free Motion Quilting Foot
Use zig-zag or straight stitch, drop/lower the feed system. You may also find it advantageous to insert your work into a machine embroidery hoop with a stabilizer for more control.
This foot is spring activated, it floats on the fabric allowing the operator to move the fabric in any direction.
Great for free hand quilting, monogramming and embroidery.
Bernina Open Toe / Free Motion Foot (#24B - os & ns)
(24B os)(24B ns)
Bernina Generic open toe / free motion foot for free motion, darning, embroidery, monogramming, stippling and quilters.
All metal large foot open in the front for better viewing.
Foot is activated by the up and down movement of the needle bar.
Fits (os) and (ns).
MUST use adaptor (0019477os) or adaptor (0083677000 ns) from the approprate conversion kit. NOT INCLUDED
NOTE: You will also need to order the "long attachment screw kit" #XC000212238.NOT INCLUDED
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Bernina "Old Style" Eyelet Parts****NLA****
****No Longer Available****
Very Limited Supply
Includes: Foot #92, Plate and 6 eyelet guides as viewed
Bernina Darning Hoop #00154871-03
Very Limited Supply
Fits ALL Bernina machines
Pin sets into the small hole in the bed of the machine, allowing hoop (approximately 2") to move in multi directions
Free Motion Kit (Bin-21)
Free Motion kit includes :
6" top quality sewing machine hoop with heavy duty screw mechanism.
Collins #C28 vanishing marker for tracing or marking on fabric.
Sulky #751-03 tear away stabilizer (20" X 3 yards).
Sulky #405-01 super water soluble stabilizer (19 1/2" X 36").
Monogramming alphabet set (traceable & reusable).
Stippling practice patterns (9 patterns traceable & reusable).
Additional instructions included
Click on this link to learn more about “Free Motion Sewing”
This item does NOT qualify for FREE S&H it is freight intensive F/I.
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Bernina 5 Groove Pintuck Foot (#31 - os) #0025907000
Bernina Generic 5 Groove Pintuck Foot.
Set machine for straight stitch. For a 5 groove pintuck foot use a Schmetz Twin Needle 3.0/90 below.
Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
The twin needle helps make the raised seam. Once you have completed one row, lift up the foot and line the previous row into the groove of the bottom of the foot, thus you can continue on for as many rows as you would like.
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Bernina Genuine Transparent Zig-Zag / Reverse Feed Stitch Foot (#34os) #0309727000
Bernina genuine foot for old style transparent forward and reverse feed
Schmetz Twin Needle 3.0/90 (130/705H ZWI)
one needle per pack
Suitable for pintucking and top stitching light to medium fabrics.
For additional needles go to this link Needles
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Bernina 5 Groove Pintuck Foot (#31N - ns) #0084717000
(31N ns)
Bernina Generic 5 Groove Pintuck Foot.
Set machine for straight stitch. For a 5 groove pintuck foot use a Schmetz Twin Needle 3.0/90 above.
Consult your manual for specific settings related to your model.
The twin needle helps make the raised seam. Once you have completed one row, lift up the foot and line the previous row into the groove of the bottom of the foot, thus you can continue on for as many rows as you would like.
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Bernina Genuine Invisable Zipper Foot (#35os) #0308207000***
***Temporarily Out of Stock*** please reorder when this message has been removed
Bernina Genuine Invisible Zipper Foot
Ideal for inserting invisible zippers into a garment seam. Two diagonal grooves act as a guide, making invisible zipper insertion a breeze.
Located in the sole of the foot, the grooves easily accommodate the zipper coils, which are fed through at the same time as the zipper tape is guided under the foot and sewn.
Bernina Genuine Invisable Zipper Foot (#35ns) #0306537200 (0306537000)
Bernina Genuine Invisible Zipper Foot
Ideal for inserting invisible zippers into a garment seam. Two diagonal grooves act as a guide, making invisible zipper insertion a breeze.
Located in the sole of the foot, the grooves easily accommodate the zipper coils, which are fed through at the same time as the zipper tape is guided under the foot and sewn.
Bernina 1/4" Quilting Foot "Old Style" (#37 - os) #0011277100
Bernina Generic Quilting / Patchwork foot
Forward toe 1/8" wide; needle to the outside edge of foot is 1/4".
Red marks forward and back of needle are 1/4" apart.
Designed to give accurate needle and stitch placement when doing quilting and patch work.
This foot is for straight stitch ONLY
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Bernina 1/4" Quilting Foot "New Style" (37N - ns) #0084747000
Bernina Generic Quilting / Patchwork foot
Forward toe 1/8" wide; needle to the outside edge of foot is 1/4".
Red marks forward and back of needle are 1/4" apart.
Designed to give accurate needle and stitch placement when doing quilting and patch work.
This foot is for straight stitch ONLY
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Bernina Walking Foot "Old Style" (#50-445 - os)
Regularly $99.95
Bernina generic walking foot for machine quilting.
Comes with left and right guide bars for straight lines or grids and two sole plates. For general sewing (closed front) and quilting (open front).
This attachment is great for bulky and hard to feed fabrics.
It is activated by the up and down movement of the needle bar. The top feed on the foot moves in unison with the bottom feed.
No adapter is required however is some cases you may need the "long attachment screw kit" #XC000212238. NOT INCLUDED
Bernina Walking Foot "New Style" (#50-443 - ns)
Regularly $99.95
Bernina generic walking foot for machine quilting.
Comes with left and right guide bars for straight lines or grids and two sole plates. For general sewing (closed front) and quilting (open front).
This attachment is great for bulky and hard to feed fabrics. It is activated by the up and down movement of the needle bar. The top feed on the foot moves in unison with the bottom feed.
No adapter is required however is some cases you may need the "long attachment screw kit" #XC000212238. NOT INCLUDED
Bernina Walking Foot "Old Style" (#50 - os)
Bernina generic walking foot for machine quilting.
Comes with guide bar for straight lines or grids.
This attachment is great for bulky and hard to feed fabrics.
It is activated by the up and down movement of the needle bar. The top feed on the foot moves in unison with the bottom feed.
NOTE: You will also need to order the "long attachment screw kit" #XC000212238. NOT INCLUDED
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Bernina Walking Foot "New Style" (#50N - ns)
Bernina generic walking foot for machine quilting.
Comes with guide bar for straight lines or grids.
This attachment is great for bulky and hard to feed fabrics.
It is activated by the up and down movement of the needle bar. The top feed on the foot moves in unison with the bottom feed.
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Bernina 1/4" Quilting Foot with Guide (#57 - os) #0321487000
Bernina Generic Quilting / Patchwork Foot
Forward toe 1/8" wide; needle to the outside edge of foot is 1/4".
Foot with metal guide on right side to help when quilt piecing
Red marks forward and back of needle are 1/4" apart.
Designed to give accurate needle and stitch placement when doing quilting and patch work.
This foot is for straight stitch ONLY
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Bernina 1/4" Quilting Foot with Guide (#57N - ns) #0315777000
(57N ns)
Bernina Generic Quilting / Patchwork Foot
Forward toe 1/8" wide; needle to the outside edge of foot is 1/4".
Foot with metal guide on right side to help when quilt piecing.
Red marks forward and back of needle are 1/4" apart. Designed to give accurate needle and stitch placement when doing quilting and patch work.
This foot is for straight stitch ONLY
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Bernina Geniune Narrow 4mm (3/16) Hemmer #0029557000 (#64 - os)
Fits Group A: 910, 930, 931, 932, 933, 940, 950, 1000, 1000+, 1001, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1008, 1010, 1011, 1015, 1020, 1021, 1030, 1031, 1050, 1070, 1080, 1090, 1091, 1120, 1130, 1230, 1240, 1241, 1260, 1530, 1630
Group H: 820 & 830
Fits: 530, 532, 534, 540, 600, 610, 640 (not Artista 640), 642, 644, 700, 707, 708, 709, 717, 718, 719, 730, (not Artista 730), 731, 732, 740, 741, 742, 744, 800, 801S, 802S, 803S, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 817, 818, 819, 831, 832, 841, 842, 850, 900
Bernina Genuinue narrow hemmer foot #64 (4mm-3/16)may be used for hemming the edge of the material, most recognizable in a shirt tail hem or on the edge of napkins. For best results use light to medium firm fabrics.
The scroll on the foot automatically double turns the fabric stitching the raw edge down and under.
We will send you the original "Bernina Instructions" in addition we will send you enhanced instructions on hemming, felled seams and sewing on fine lace while hemming.
Set machine for straight stitch center needle position.
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Bernina Genuine Narrow 4mm (3/16) Hemmer #0029557000 (#69 - ns) #0084877200
Fits Group B Artista and 3 Series: 125, 125S, 135, 135S, 145, 145S, 210, 215, 220, 230, 230PE, 240, 330, 350, 350PE, 380
Group C Virtuosa: 150, 153, 153QE, 155, 160, 163
Group D Aurora: 430, 440QE
Group E Artista: 165, 170
Group E1 Artista: 180, 185
Group F Artista: 630
Group F1 Artista: 640, 8580
Group F1 Aurora: 435, 450
Group G Artista: 200, 730
Also models 120, 130, 140 Activa
Bernina Genuine narrow hemmer foot #69 (4mm-3/16)may be used for hemming the edge of the material, most recognizable in a shirt tail hem or on the edge of napkins. For best results use light to medium firm fabrics.
The scroll on the foot automatically double turns the fabric stitching the raw edge down and under.
We will send you the original "Bernina Instructions" in addition we will send you enhanced instructions on hemming, felled seams and sewing on fine lace while hemming.
Set machine for straight stitch center needle position.
Bernina Ruffler (#86 os) with Adapter #XC000212238
Bernina Generic Ruffler
This attachment offers a simple and effective way to make gathered and pleated ruffles. Ruffles may be made seperately or made and applied at the same time. The ruffler is attached to the machine in place of the regular presser foot and is used with a "straight stitch center needle position setting only".
NOTE: You will also need to order the "long attachment screw kit" #XC000212238. NOT INCLUDED
For ruffling, pleating and gathering.
Comes complete with adapter #0019857(os)
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Bernina Ruffler (#86N - ns) with Adapter #0083687000 ns
(86N ns)
Bernina Generic Ruffler
This attachment offers a simple and effective way to make gathered and pleated ruffles. Ruffles may be made seperately or made and applied at the same time. The ruffler is attached to the machine in place of the regular presser foot and is used with a "straight stitch center needle position setting only".
For ruffling, pleating and gathering.
Comes complete with adapter #0083687000(ns)
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Low Vertical Piping, Cording, Welting Foot Kit (Bin-103)
Low Vertical Screw-on Piping, Cording, Welting Foot Kit
Kit comes with: 1/8", 3/16", 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2" feet.
For sewing single piping, cording and welting.
Set machine for straight stitch in the center needle position ONLY. Fold the fabric over the desired cording or use pre-purchased (pre-made) decorative cording. Stitching (needle) will be on the right side of the cording, cording will be feed through the foot on the left side.
Fits ALL low vertical CENTER needle position machines
Viking: Groups (5), (6), (7), (01), (A), (B)
Bernina: Must use Bernina Adapter OS (feet) Standard #0019477000 or Bernina Adapter NS (feet) #75 Standard #0083677200
Kenmore: All low vertical
Kenmore Super High: MUST use adapter P60666 center needle position for left needle machines you will also need to use Spacer Kit #4.
Tweezers #TWE6
Top quality tweezers with guide pin
6" long with bent point design.
The best tool in your accessory box. Ideal for threading needles on sewing machines and needles and loopers on sergers. Many other practical sewing uses: removing thread and lint build-up from small areas in the sewing machine, pulling out unwanted stitches, etc.
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4 Inch Embroidery Scissors
4" embroidery scissors
Fine sharp point ideal for close work in small areas
CAUTION: As in most cutting instruments the point and blades are sharp and should be handled ONLY by adults for cutting and craft use.
packaging and brand may vary
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Operator Maintenance Kit
*High quality oil in refillable extendable spout. Long neck spout style of oiler #NK2 may vary depending on availability.
*Lubricant for gears
*Lint brush
*Extra fine quality screw driver for tension adjustments
*2 strips of crocus cloth for removing burs on hook, etc.
*6" abrasive cord #52 for removing burs in and around needle plate, etc.
*Oil and lubricant instructions pamphlet for various models
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Free Motion Guide Grip
Fits ALL machines.
No need to place your fabric in a hoop for free-motion sewing. Place on top of fabric for free-motion, quilting, embroidery or monogramming. The friction surface on the underside of the guide grip holds the fabric taut and provides handles for moving the fabric. Set your machine for normal free-motion sewing according to your operators manual.
Note: For free-arm models works best with your sewing machine extension plate attached.
Some fabrics especially light weight fabrics may require a stabilizer. Some projects may require the conventional two piece wood hoop.
NOTE: For additional information click on this link "How to do Free Motion Sewing"
This item is Freight Intensive (F/I), $8.95 is the basic S&H for ALL Freight Intensive (F/I) items
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Mini Precision Screwdriver Set (Bin T-4)
Small compact set includes convenient bit holder
Set includes 18 different bit ends:
Slotted: 1/8", 3/32", 5/64", 5/64", 1/16"
Phillips: PH000, PH00, PH00, PH0, PH1
Torx star: T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15
Depending on current inventory this item may very in color and / or brand
Small Tools, Driver Set with Offset Ratchet (Bin-T-1)
Sewing machine and other small appliances require different tools than your car or home
This set is a great place to start
Set contains one each: reversible ratchet handle, spinner screwdriver handle, 3 1/4" extension handle
One each of the following bits
Slotted screwdriver: 1/8", 1/4"
Phillips screwdriver: PH#1, PH#2
Hex: .050", 1/16", 5/64", 3/32", 7/64", 1/8", 9/64", 5/32", 3/16", 7/32", 1/4",
Torx: T6, T8, T10, T15, T20, T25
Torx Bit Set 5" Long with Thin Shaft (Bin T-2)****No Longer Available****
****No Longer Available**** Sewing machine and other appliances require a long thin shaft for getting into confined areas
5" long with a standard 1/4" hex shaft
Set includes one each: T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T25, T30, T40
Torx Bit Set Small (Bin T-3)
Hard to find Torx bits, standard 1/4" hex shaft
Set includes: T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T15, T20, T25
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